- Customizable fresh air supply fan featuring Pick-A-Flow™ technology – one fan, you choose the CFM (50-60-70-80-90-100-110-130-150 in CFM; 9 settings)
- Intelligent ECM motor with SmartFlow technology provides optimum CFM output for precision whole-house supply ventilation
- Operates as a stand-alone filtered supply fresh air solution to meet ASHRAE 62.2 requirements for make-up/supply air
- Capable of communicating with Panasonic's acclaimed WhisperGreen® Select™ to create a balanced ventilation solution
- Incorporates adjustable high humidity and low temperature dials for easy adjustments in any climate zone
- HVI certified for use with MERV 8 (FL0815NL1) and MERV 13 (FV-FL1315NL1) filters. MERV 13 filter included, MERV 8 and MERV 13 replacements available
- Can be used to comply with ASHRAE 62.2, LEED and CA Title 24