WESTPOINT FAN HEATER WF-5145. The most dependable heating option for your home is an electric room heater because it doesn't require burning materials, fumes, or hazardous exhaust. The adjustable room thermostat on the Westpoint WF-5145 finest room heater is ideal for regulating room temperature. The greatest room heaters from Westpoint are built with premium materials, which extends their lifespan. Electric fan heaters from Westpoint can provide quiet heating for a space or room. There are two distinct settings for the fan heaters: 1000w and 2000w.
- 2 Years Warranty
- Two heat settings: 1000/2000W for hot, warm, or cool wind
- Thermostat for Room Adjustment
- Temperature Control Automatically
- Preventing overheating
- Light for Power Indicator
- Tip-over switch included
- 2000 Watts at 50/60Hz with 220–240V